Our Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love
extravagantly, and witness boldly.
In our worship, we desire to surrender to and be fully devoted to one God—the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are passionate about what is important to God.
Jesus calls those who follow Him to love God wholeheartedly and love their neighbors
as themselves. Our desire is to demonstrate to the world the extravagant love of God
in the person of Jesus Christ.
We have been entrusted with a lifesaving and transforming message that we must
share with others. Our witness is bold, compelling and fearless. Our mission advances
when individuals become disciples of Jesus Christ and join God’s mission to make
more disciples.
Our Vision is to join God in a journey of bringing new life, reconciliation, and the
presence of Christ to all people, and to helping each person reflect the character of
Christ. The Vision of Christ Church is to diligently work in that mission throughout our
community, our county, our state and, by missional giving, around the world.
As members of this body, we all realize our physical facility was a gift from God for use by the community. Every effort is made to accommodate the needs of many organizations for meeting space throughout the year.