Christ Church of Forsyth

Christ Church welcomes every opportunity to turn strangers into lifelong brothers and sisters in Christ.

Join us as we experience the presence of a loving God as His love lights the way.

Ministry Opportunities

Monthly Food Distribution

Christ Church has hosted of a food distribution once every month since April of 2011. The food is provided by the Middle Georgia Food Bank ( and sponsored by the Monroe County Ministerial Association and the Circle of Care thrift store.

Each month approximately 350 Monroe County families or 600 to 700 Monroe County individuals are provided with food assistance.
The distribution takes place the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 10am. Recipients are requested to arrive no earlier than 10am and remain in their vehicles to receive the food.
Volunteers are always welcome and should arrive at the church by 9am. This event closes at 12 noon.

Backpack Buddy Program

The Monroe Board of Education routinely distributes food to students for the weekends through the Backpack Buddy Program.

Christ Church participates in this program by donating large amounts of food received from probationers in lieu of Community Service required by the Monroe County Probation Office for offences. 


The Kairos Prison Ministry meets at Christ Church and operates from the campus while ministering to the incarcerated at the Al Burruss facility in Forsyth. They also hold state-wide meetings on campus.
Their Mission:

The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.
(taken from:

Pregnancy Center

Several members of Christ Church were instrumental in the founding of the Monroe County Pregnancy Center in Forsyth and still fully support the work which is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that began in 1989.

“We strive to develop a close professional relationship with those we serve and assess the situation carefully to support each client’s emotional and spiritual needs during the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy, those of parenthood, or in making an adoption plan. During the pregnancy, we teach classes, at the center or online, on all aspects of pregnancy, including the mother’s health care and ways to safeguard the growing baby, prenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum care for the mother, and parenting. Classes are also available for parents with growing children in a variety of subjects covering many areas related to child rearing. All classes are associated with our onsite “Clothes Closet” where the mother can access free items for their unborn and then young child.

Our center provides pregnancy tests, but we are not a medical facility. We can assist clients in finding the medical help they need and in finding resources that are available in the community. We do have information available on a variety of health-related areas such as STIs and abortions.
All of our services are free and available for everyone”

Circle of Care

Much more than just a thrift store, the Circle of Care in Forsyth, GA is supported by many churches and organizations in Monroe County.

While their most visible function is the sale of donated goods, their purpose reaches much further into the community with assistance for those in need. They provide financial help with utilities and housing as well as providing food on site and support of the monthly food distribution hosted by Christ Church.

Volunteers are always needed and welcomed to sort and price donated goods. Our member volunteers work primarily with the toy section but willingly serve the circle as a whole.

You can find them on Facebook at:


Our in-house benevolence committee provides help with food, clothing, shelter and counseling for those in need upon request. This assistance is made possible by the contributions of individuals, Communion Rail offerings and our Birthday & Anniversary bank. All requests are given prayerful consideration. While this is not a limitless fund, every effort is made to meet the needs of as many as possible.

Christ Church semi-annual Chicken Que

Christ Church holds semi-annual Chicken Que to benefit various mission projects. This Chicken Que is well known and anticipated by those in Monroe County. It usually takes place in April and October. Check our Calendar of Events for more information.

Personal Ministries

Many individuals in the congregation autonomously provide transportation to appointments, food and many other forms of spiritual support to members of this community. This selfless service in the name of Christ is the result of a genuine love of one another in obedience to the commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Reconciliation House Christmas Dinner

Angela Johnson of Reconciliation House provides Christmas Dinner for hundreds of people on Christmas Day. She uses the kitchen and fellowship hall of Christ CHURCH and numerous volunteers to make the dinner possible.
Reconciliation House was founded and is managed by Angela Johnson and is a ministry to those released from prison and needing a path back to family and community.

More information about Reconciliation house is available on the web at: and on Facebook at: